Friday, March 15, 2019

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder :: Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress malady is a condition from which nigh 10% ofAmericans suffer. It, unlike other afflictions, is associated with a widevariety of circumstances. some(prenominal) war veterans suffer from Posttraumatic StressDisorder. However, a new group of volume ar quickly emerging as common suffersof Posttraumatic Stress Disorder- familiarly ill-treat minorren. Posttraumatic StressDisorder is a prevalent problem associated with baberen who are victims ofsexual assault.Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is classified as an care disorder lowthe Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Disorders (DSM-III). The diagnoses forPosttraumatic Stress Disorder was non officially diagnosed as part of DSM-IIIuntil 1980. According to Famolaro, the diagnoses of Posttraumatic StressDisorder requires (a) experience of a significant traumatic events (b) re-experiencing of the trauma in one(a) of several several(predicate) thought, emotional, orbehavioral forms (d) persistent symptoms of inc reased arousal, Particularlywhen exposedto stimuli concretely or symbolically reminiscent of the trauma (e)symptoms lasting at least one month. (Famolaro, Maternal and ChildPosttraumatic... 28).Children are now becoming realized as significant sufferers ofPosttraumatic Stress Disorder. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is curiouslybad for children under the age of 11, because they lack many of the skillsneeded to foster themselves. Furthermore, this vulnerability is enhance whenthe child is exposed to any maltreatment. According to recent studies,Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a common sequella of severe or chronicmaltreatment of children, particularly among sexually maltreated children (Famularo, Symptom Differences... 28). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder can becaused if the child is exposed to just one traumatic episode (rape, witnessing aviolent crime, physical abuse) However, the child will become more hypersensitiveto Posttraumatic Stress Disorder if the maltreatment continues. Moreover, achild is most in all probability to suffer from symptoms associated with PosttraumaticStress Disorder when sexual assault is involved(28).Because children have not yet developed cognitively emotionally and arevery immature, they are likely candidates to develop symptoms related toPosttraumatic Stress Disorder. As a child matures he/she becomes betterequipped to deal with and prevent contributing factors to the ultimate sufferingfrom Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Up to age two, young children can emboldenstressful events and even imagine such events recurring However, the mind isnot developed enough to identify, anticipate, or prevent future traumaticoccurrences. At age three, children cannot, distance themselves, in time,appreciate roles and differences in behavior, access situation, or adoptnonegocentric causality (Saigh 189). This flaw opens them up to the impact oftrauma because the child cannot anticipate and protect themselves. By age four,children have the abil ity to protect themselves by avoiding traumatic encounters.They also have the ability to suppress their anxiety when it becomes difficult

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