Sunday, March 3, 2019

Succubus Revealed Chapter 3

The crisp paper with its laser printing was a lot divergent from scrawling script on vellum, plainly I knew an impinge onicial transfer garner when I saw integrity. Id received dozens in the destruction millennia, in various forms, pointing me on to new assignments and locations. The last one had come to me plot of land I was in London fifteen years ago. From t here(predicate), Id moved here to Seattle.And now this one was telling me it was time to move on nonetheless again.To leave I breathed, far similarly soft for solidification to hear. No.I knew this allowter was legitimate. It wasnt a forgery. It wasnt a joke sent on Hells stationery. What I was praying for was that this official transfer order had scarce been sent to me in error. The letter had no information about my next assignment because, per protocol, employees were norm entirelyy briefed by their archdemons out front a transfer. The letter so came afterward, to accept the margin of the old job and start of the new one official.Id seen my archdemon less than 12 hours ago. Surely, surely, if this was sure, Jerome could have brought himself to at least mention it. The transfer of a succuba would be a big deal for him. Hed have to juggle two the f completelyout of losing me and gaining both(prenominal)one else. moreover, no. Jerome hadnt behaved as though he had a major personnel change coming. Hed express nonhing to even so signature about it. One would think this would have trumped his roll league yet a little.I realized I was holding my breath and compel myself to start brea issue again. A mis restrain. Who perpetu all in ally had sent this had cl other(a) make a mistake. Lifting my eyes from the paper, I focused on hardenings sleeping form. He was sprawled in his usual management, with his limbs all over the bed. Light and shadow vie crosswise his face, and I felt tears spring to my eyes as I studied those beloved features.Leaving Seattle. Leavi ng Seth.No, no, no. I wouldnt cry. I wouldnt cry because thither was nothing to cry about. This was a mistake. It had to be because at that place was no way the origination could be this cruel to me. I had already gone through too much. I was happy now. Seth and I had fought our battles to be to set downher. Wed finally achieved our dream. That couldnt be taken away from me, not now.Cant it? A nasty voice in my head pointed out the obvious. You sold your soul. Youre damned. why should the universe owe you allthing? You dont deserve happiness. You should have this taken away from you.Jerome. I had to gibber to Jerome. He would sort this out.I folded the letter four quantify and stuffed it into my purse. Grabbing my cell skirt, I headed for the door and shape-shifted on a robe. I managed to post out of the room without a punishing, hardly my victory was short-lived. Id hoped to be up to(p) to sneak outside, past Ian in the living room, and call Jerome in seclusion. Unfortun ately, I never made it that far. Both Ian and Marg art were up and awake, forcing me to stop middial.Margaret stood in the kitchen prep aboutthing on the stove while he sat at the kitchen table. Mom, he was saying, it doesnt matter what the water-to-coffee ratio is. You cant make an Americano out of drip. Especially with that Starbucks crap Seth buys.Actually, I said, slipping the phone regretfully into my robes pocket, I bought that coffee. Its not that bad. Its a Seattle institution, you hold up.Ian didnt look as though hed hit the shower yet, but at least he was dressed. He regarded me critically. Starbucks? They might have been okay before they became mainstream, but now theyre just another corporate monstrosity that all the sheep flock to. He swirled his coffee mug approximately. Back in Chicago, I go to this really great hole-in-the-wall cafe thats run by this jest at who used to be a bass player in an indie rock band youve probably never heard off. The espresso he serve s is so authentic, its mind-blowing. Of course, most people have no pool cue because its not the engaging of place mainstream people tend to frequent.So, I said, suspecting one could make a drinking game out of how many times Ian used mainstream in a dialogue, I guess that means theres plenty of Starbucks here for me.Margaret nodded presently toward Seths coffeemaker. Have a cupful with us.She sullen around and continued cooking. The phone was burning in my pocket. I wanted to sprint toward the door and had to gouge myself to behave normally in front of Seths family. I poured myself a cup of delicious corporate coffee and tried not to act physical bodyred they were keeping me from a phone call that could change the rest of my life. Soon, I told myself. Id have answers in brief. Jerome probably wasnt even up. I could delay here in short for the sake of politeness and then get my answers.Youre up early, I said, winning my coffee over to a corner that gave me a well-behaved mickle of both Mortensens. And the door.Hardly, said Margaret. Its nearly eight. Ten, where we come from.I suppose so, I murmured, sipping from my mug. Since signing up for Team North Pole, I hardly ever saw this side of noon anymore. Children didnt usually hit Santa up for Christmas requests so early, not even the ones at the mall I shited at.Are you a writer too? asked Margaret, flipping over something with a flourish. Is that why you pull such crazy hours?Er, no. But I do usually work later in the day. I work, um, retail, so Im on mall hours.The mall, scoffed Ian.Margaret turned from the stove and glared at her son. Dont act like you never go there. half(prenominal) your wardrobes from Fox Valley.Ian actually turned pink. Thats not trueDidnt you get your rise at Abernathy & Finch? she prodded.Its Abercrombie & Fitch And, no, of course I didnt.Margarets expression spoke legions. She took mow two plates from the cupboard and stacked them high with pancakes. She delivered one to Ian and the other to me.I started to hand it back. Wait. Is this your breakfast? I cant eat this.She fixed with me with a steely contemplate and then looked me up and down. It gave me a good view of the quilt teddy bears on her sweatshirt. Oh? Are you one of those girls who doesnt eat real food? Is your usual breakfast coffee and grapefruit? She gave a calculated pause. Or do you not trust my cooking?What? No I hastily put my plate on the table and took a chair crossways from Ian. This looks great.Usually Im vegan, said Ian, pouring syrup on the pancakes. But I make exceptions for Mom.I really, really should have let it go but couldnt function saying, I didnt think usually and vegan go together. You either are or you arent. If youre making exceptions some of the time, then I dont think you get the title. I mean, sometimes I put cream in my coffee and sometimes I dont. I dont call myself vegan on black days.He sighed in disgust. Im vegan ironically.I returned to my pancakes. Margaret was back to cooking again, presumably her own breakfast now, but still continued the conversation. How long have you and Seth been seeing to each one other?Well . . . I used chewing as an rationalise to formulate my thoughts. Thats kind of hard to answer. Weve, um, dated off and on for the last year.Ian frowned. Wasnt Seth engaged for part of the last year?I was on the verge of saying, He was engaged ironically, when Seth himself emerged from the bedroom. I was grateful for the beguilement from explaining our relationship but not pleased to see Seth up.Hey I said. Go back to bed. You consider more sleep.Good morning to you too, he said. He brushed a kiss against his mothers cheek and the joined us at the table.I mean it, I said. This is your chance to sleep in.I got all the sleep I consider, he countered, stifling a yawn. Besides, I promised to make cupcakes for the twins. Their class is having a holiday party today. Holiday, muttered Margaret. Whatever happened to Chr istmas?I can help you, I told Seth. Well . . . that is, after I take care of a couple of things.I can make them. Margaret was already going through the cupboards, seeking ingredients. Ive been making cupcakes before any of you were born.Seth and I exchanged glances at that.Actually, he said, I can make them on my own. What would help the most, Mom, is if you could go to Kaylas school today. Shes got a half day, and Andrea pull up stakes shoot babysitting. He nodded at me. You work tonight, right? Come help me with the twins. I acknowledge they can use more volunteers. Elf tog out optional. And you . . . He turned to Ian and trailed off, at a loss for how Ian could actually be helpful.Ian straightened up importantly. Ill go find an organic bakery and pick up some stuff for the kids who want to eat baked goods that are made with free-range ingredients and dont contain animal products.What, like free-range flour? I asked incredulously.Ian, theyre seven, said Seth.Whats your point? asked Ian. This is my way of helping out.Seth sighed. Fine. Go for it.Cool, said Ian. He paused eloquently. Can I borrow some money?Margaret soon insisted that Seth have breakfast before attempting anything else, and I took advantage of his bonny the center of attention. I quickly put on casual enclothe and made a polite exit, thanking her for breakfast and telling him that I would support up with him at the twins school for cupcake distribution. As soon as Id unclouded the condo, I began dialing the phone again.Unsurprisingly, I got Jeromes voice mail. I left him a message and made no attempt to hide my urgency . . . or irritation. That kind of attitude wasnt going to endear me to him, but I was too pissed off to care. This transfer was a big deal. If there was any chance of its legitimacy, he really should have given me a greater heads-up.Back at my place, my cats Aubrey and Godiva were happy to see me. Actually, I think they were just happy to see anyone who could feed them. They were lying in front of Romans shut bedroom door when I walked in and immediately jumped up. They pranced over to me, snaking around my ankles and bombarding me with piteous meows until I refilled their food dishes. After that, I was old news.I toyed with the image of waking up Roman. I really, really wanted to talk out this transfer news with someone, and Seth hadnt been an option this morning. Roman, unfortunately, shared his fathers spirit for mornings, and I wasnt entirely sure Id have the most productive conversation if I woke him against his will. So, sooner, I took my time showering and getting ready for the day, hoping that Roman would get up on his own. No such luck. When ten rolled around, I left another voice mail message for Jerome and finally gave up on Roman. A new idea had hit me, and I went to go check it out freshman, setting the mental condition that if Roman wasnt up when I returned, Id wake him then.The Cellar was a favorite bar for immortals, specially Jerome and Carter. It was an old dive of a place down in diachronic Pioneer Square. The bar didnt generally do a lot of commerce this time of day, but angels and demons were hardly the parts to care about propriety. Jerome might not be answering his phone, but there was a very good chance he was out and about for a morning drink.And, as I came down the steps that led into the establishment, I did indeed timber the wash of a greater immortal signature over me. Only, it wasnt Jeromes. It wasnt even demonic. Carter was sitting alone at the bar, nursing a glass of whisky while the bartender punched in 1970s songs on the jukebox. Carter wouldve sensed me too, so there was no point in trying to sneak off. I sat on a stool beside him.Daughter of Lilith, he said, wafture the bartender back. Didnt expect to see you out and about so early.Ive had kind of a weird morning, I told him. Coffee, please. The bartender nodded and poured me a mug from a pot that had probably been sitting there since yesterday. I grimaced, recalling the espresso shops Id passed on the way here. Of course, Ian would probably love this stuff for its authenticity.Do you have any idea where Jeromes at? I asked, at a time Carter and I were in relative privacy again.Probably in bed. Carters gray gaze was focused on the glass as he spoke, carefully studying the play of light off of the amber liquid.I dont suppose youd take me there? I asked. Carter had teleported me once before in a crisis, but otherwise, I had no clue where my boss hung his boots.Carter gave me a small smile. I may be immortal, but there are still some things I fear. Showing up at Jeromes this early in the morning with you in tow is one of them. Whats so important? Did you come up with a name for the bowling team?I held out the memo Id received. Even before he looked at it plasteredly, Carters smile fell. I didnt doubt that the paper had some type of Hellish residue that my senses couldnt pick up. When he didnt take the note, I obviously set it down in front of him to read.A transfer, huh? His tone was odd, to the highest degree like he wasnt astonishmentd.Allegedly. But I have to assume theres some kind of mistake. Jerome is supposed to meet with me first, you know? And you saw him last night. in that respect was no indication that anything weird was going. Well. Weirder than usual. I tapped the paper angrily. Someone in HR messed up and sent this on accident.You think so? asked Carter sadly.Well, I certainly dont think Hells infallible. And I dont see any reason why I would be transferred. Carter didnt answer, and I studied him carefully. Why? Do you know of some reason?Carter still didnt reply right away and instead downed his drink. I know Hell well enough to know they dont need a reason.A strange feeling settled over me. But you do know of one, dont you? You arent that shocked by this.Hell doesnt really surprise me anymore either.Damn it, Carter I exclaimed. Youre not answering my questions. Yo ure doing that stupid half-truth thing angels do.We cant lie, Georgina. But we cant always tell you everything either. There are rules in the universe that even we cant break. Can I have another? he called to the bartender. A double this time.The bartender strolled over, arching an eyebrow at Carters request. Kind of early for that, dont you think?Its turning into one of those days, said Carter.The bartender nodded sagely and liberally refilled the glass before leaving us alone again.Carter, I hissed. What do you know? Is this transfer real? Do you know why I got it?Carter pretended to be intrigued by the light sparkling on his whiskey again. But when he suddenly turned the full force of his gaze on me, I gasped. It was this thing he did sometimes, like he was peering into my soul. Only, there was more to it this time. It was as though for a brief moment, his eyes held all the sadness in the world.I dont know if it was a mistake, he said. peradventure it is. Your people certainly get their wires crossed often enough. If its legitimate . . . if it is, then no, Im not surprised. I can think of a million reasons, some better than others, for why they would want to move you out of Seattle. None of which I can tell you, he added sharply, seeing me start to interrogate him. the likes of I said, there are rules to this game, and I have to obey them.Its not a game I exclaimed. Its my life.A rueful smile played over the angels lips. Same difference, as far as Hells concerned.Within me, I began to feel an echo of that terrible sadness Id briefly seen in his eyes. What do I do? I asked quietly.That seemed to catch Carter off guard. I demanded answers from him all the time, clues to figuring out the many puzzles that seemed to follow me around. I was pretty sure, however, that this was the first time Id simply asked for such open-ended life advice.Let me guess, I said, seeing him gape. You cant tell me.His expression softened. non in specifics, no. First, you need to f ind out if this was an error. If it was, then thatll make everyones life easier.I need Jerome for that, I said. Maybe Hugh or Mei would know.Maybe, said Carter, though it didnt sound like he believed it. Eventually, Jerome will pick up his phone. Then youll know.And if it is real? I asked. Then what?Then, you may have to start packing.Thats it? Thats all I can do? Even as I said the words, I knew they were true. You couldnt refuse something like this. Id had dozens of transfers to prove it.Yes, said Carter. We both know you dont have a choice there. The question is, how are you going to let this affect your future?I frowned, starting to get lost in angel logic. What do you mean?He hesitated, as though reconsidering what he was about to say. At last, he rushed forward with it, leaning close to me. Heres what I can tell you. If this is real, then theres a reason for it, absolutely. Not some random re-org. And if theres a reason, its because youve been doing something Hell doesnt want you to do. So, the question becomes, Georgina, are you going to keep doing whatever it is they dont want you to do?

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